*X*plosion of attitude

I had a hard time at the Hairfair this year deciding what hairs were my favorite but I decided the hair that stood out and spoke to me the most was *X*plosions Jules hair (290L). I love all the little braids, shells, and coins in the hair. It gave it a wonderful wild look. It was very hard deciding which color to purchase, but I settled on the red pack. If I had more funds I would have bought them all.

I was thinking to pair the hair with my steam punk outfits but Mel was insistent I put it with my Native outfit by Say Yes. So I decided to humor his fantasies and dressed up for him.

The beautifully haunting skin I am wearing is Apparence Skins & Shape's  current Group Skin "Caprice". You do need to be a member to get this fantastic skin at 99L. The group is free to join currently.

My shape is a modified version of Raissa by Anna Shapes, 800L. It comes with three heights, regular, small and model. Only thing modified, I believe, are the hips. I love Anna Shapes, they are very well proportioned and have a nice variety so you can change up your looks to meet your moods.

I have to say  *X*plosions Jules  Hair definitely went well with the Native costume. I intend to play around more with it in the future to see what other looks I can come up with since it is a very versatile hair, in my opinion. The hairfair ends on the 28th of July 2013.

All  poses used are by Focus Poses, Model Set 90-3, 90-1 and 94-2. Most all of Focus Pose sets run between 80-100L. They have several  1L sets at their store for us bargain hunters also.

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