Science or Murder? [ Cutting Class 2021 Hunt Prizes ]

You just know something terrible has gone down in this picture. Now the question is, was it science or murder? Maybe it was both; I guess it all depends on perspective. Today I bring you a few more of the great prizes you can get from the hunt during Pulse Games' Cutting Class 2021The event runs from October 15 to November 25. It costs 75L to participate in the experience but the hunt items are free.

Today's featured stores are:

Lilith's DenIf you like the unusual, then put this shop on your list to frequent. This designer's imagination never ceases to amaze me. For the hunt, they provided 3 prizes: Fresh Meat, Psycho Puzzle, and Skinner's collection. Featured in the image is Psycho Puzzle. It is a finely detailed mess of three body parts that may or may not go back together. Each item has a land impact of 1; it is copy/mod original mesh designs with materials enabled. Fresh Meat and Skinner will be featured in their own posts soon. Stay tuned!

Angelic Designs: Angelic Designs is another fun shop to visit. Their creations feature home furnishing, landscape decorations, wedding supplies, and a ton of  "couple" items. Their shop is also a great place to snap a few pictures. Angelic Designs provided 2 gifts for you to find, a Snake Wreath and the big book pile featured above. I love books, so the book pile totally spoke to me. I was even more excited when the books lifted up and started moving around; it became a keeper!


Lilith's Den | Psycho Puzzle | 0L - Hunt Gift | Pulse Game's Cutting Class 2021 (75L entry fee).
Angelic Designs |  "The Haunting" Book pile | 0L - Hunt Gift | Pulse Game's Cutting Class 2021 (75L entry fee).
 ✫ [Circa] Living  | "Cthulhu's Cosmic Journey" Velvet Rug |  200L
 ✫ [Circa] Living  | "Autumn's Eve" Pumpkin & Candle Stick - Green | Cost Unknown
✫ ✫ Heart Homes / Aphrodite Shop  | "Green Claw Swamp" Witch Hut | 150L  

✫  Photo location was put together by me. A big nod to Builders Brewery for letting me use their prims to work my magic. I am not sure if building scenery counts as a building, but I totally love their sandbox. I never get harassed, and there are always exciting classes available to sate my curiosity on how to build in SL. 

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