Purring Adventurers

Good evening everyone! Miss me? I sure have missed you! If you have not heard, I have been away because my mother has been diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer. For those who don't know the stages, this is terminal. They give her maybe six months to live, it is inoperable.The past few weeks have been a flurry of activity for me to transform her room for home hospice and make her as comfortable as I can in her last days. I appreciate all the kind words and support I have received in note cards, IMs and emails. They really have helped me stay on track and strong. Thank you.

I was quite excited to find myself with enough free time tonight to get on Second Life and dig through my inventory for a few goodies to share with you all. I felt a need for cuteness -- something to make me go awwww and take my mind off the dark clouds. I was quite pleased when I came across the Dinkies Game of Thrones Outfits from Designs by Isaura.

Second Life Role-Play Dinkie Fashion Review

Now I know these are not my normal avatar types, but I couldn't resist going out and purchasing the Dinkies Ginger Mesh Kitty Avatar (L$400) by Tiny Inc. Dinkies are biped mesh kitten avatars that stand around 2 feet 10 inches tall. They come in several color choices. I had not previously owned a Dinkie Avatar, even though I had seen them wandering around here and there in Second Life. So I was kind of pleased when I got the review outfits, it gave me a reason to buy my own Dinkie! My Dinkie avatar kit contained a mesh Dinkie body, Dinkies Whiskers, Dinkies chair, Dinkies AO, Dinkies Tshirt, and Dinkies shape with alpha.

The first Dinkies Game of Thrones Outfit from Designs by Isaura I want to share is the Dinkies Khaleesi Outfit (L$350). This adorable blue and gold mesh ensemble includes the dress, sandals and a dragon prim necklace.. Beautifully made and well textured. 

The Khaleesi Hair (L$250) is also by Designs by Isaura. This pretty hair is available in eight different colors. It is made of sculpts and prim parts and is copy/mod. I loved the little braids pulling back to the ribbon tied pony tail.

Second Life Role-Play Dinkie Fashion Review

The second  Dinkies Game of Thrones Outfit from Designs by Isaura I have to share is the the Dinkies Jon Snow outfit (L$350). Isn't he just cute! This outfit includes rigged armor, pants, belt, boots and cloak. The sword is sculpty and safe scripted. The outfit comes with handy instructions that were very easy to modify your Dinkie avatar for wearing of the pants. I appreciated the simplicity of them. I hate how sometimes I get a new outfit and have no clue how to modify it properly.

My Prince Hair (L$250) is by Asset. It is non-rigged mesh, which made it easy to resize to fit my Dinkies head. I loved the little hair locks over the eyes. It is available in several color packs. I am wearing the Browns.

Second Life Role-Play Fashion Review

For my pose in the female photo I used a pose from the Dress #3 Pose Set (L$75/set or L$40/pose) by Black Tulip. This is a lovely five static pose set perfect for displaying your finery. It includes mirrored poses. Black Tulip has a very large variety of poses for men and women, couples and singles, along with full perm mesh home designs.

Second Life Role-Play Fashion Review

My poses for the male photo was using a pose from the Cyber Pose Set (L$300/set or L$50/pose) by HelaMiyo. The set consists of five static poses mirrored. HelaMiyo has a large variety of affordable and unique static poses for men and women. While at the store check out the room with the dollarbie poses and lucky letter boards. I recommend HelaMiyo as a must have in any pose collection if you like to create photos with emotion.

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