Times may change but Sirens stay the same - HAWT!

Good evening everyone, tonight I an interesting photo shoot for you today. A little more bare than I normally do but I couldn't resist tying all this together in to a unique siren look. She is a little bit saucy and little bit dangerous all bundled into a cute colorful bundle.

Second Life Roleplay Fashion Review

The lovely iridescent skin is from the Chronicle Iridescent Skin Collection in the Thistle skin tone (L$800) by Gauze. The Iridescent skin pack comes with four tones, Albino, Dream, Luster and Thistle. The Chronicle line features skins for Women, FemBois, and Men, all sold separately. The Chronicle skin line is available in a wide selection of 9 color sets. Each set comes with four lovely shades of the selected skin color. Appliers are sold separately for The Mesh Project, Slink, and Omega.

The sharp pointy mesh teeth and mouth are  :Soul:  Kissers - Cupid's Pout - Chompers. I love this mouth and teeth!   Each mouth kit comes with a mesh mouth, mesh teeth, 3 alpha layer options, alignment tattoo & applier, Kisser Hud loaded with textures to match all select Soul skin tones and Nine lip colors. You can adjust your transparency, glow and tint via the hud. The Applier HUD is easy to use and I have had no trouble to match my Kisser mouths to skins by other Designers. If you don't want the hassle of doing it yourself you can send a note asking your favorite skin designers to support the Kisser system or you could buy skins from Soul to match. They have some really pretty ones available. Demos are available.

My Secret Garden, Steel Blue Eyes (L$99) and Basic HUD Controlled Mesh Lashes (L$175) are by Dulce Secrets.The Secret Garden Eye Collection is available in twenty-one colors and comes with mesh and system layer eyes. The Mesh Lashes are available in four different colors with a HUD that has seven eyelash styles. They are a very easy modify to fit to your eyes.

The Berserker Markies face tattoos are by Fujiwara's World. They are available in six colors. I really liked this face tattoo. The markings under the lower lip are slightly cut off due to my mesh lips, but I liked how it looked still yet. 

I am wearing the SLINK AvEnhance Elegance Hands   (L$675/set). The hands are very easy to wear. Each set comes with a HUD that makes it easy to match skin tones and a utility HUD for tattoos, stockings, and fingernails. Everyone one needs these as basic components to their avatar. 

Second Life Roleplay Fashion Review

The cute long flowing Beau - Blonde Rainbow hair with knotted bun at top is by Blues it was the special edition hair released for the Wayward hunt in April. Even though you can not get this color. You still can get a regular colored set at the main store.

The pretty Mysterious night - Green Lingerie is a creation by PSYCHO:Byts for The Lexi Project. The lingerie set comes in three colors, pink purple and the exclusive color green. It includes a under bust, and panties in five standard sizes, along with a mesh mask, and sculpt pasties.

My accessories are a mix of wonderful pieces from Zibska. The Teca thigh high boots come in the standard sizes with a color change HUD with 20 different colors which can be used to customize the Leg, straps, toes, platform and heels. The Ailith Donna includes a necklace and cuff set. The set comes with sixteen colors accessible via a texture change HUD  for main and accents. The Louisa collar, also includes a matching necklace and earrings. All pieces have a color change HUD with 10 color sets for stones, 16 colors for chains and beads. The earrings are from the Claudia jewelry set. The Claudia set  includes collar, earrings and necklace with 10 colors for main and accents as well. It is available at the Secret Affair.

Second Life Roleplay Fashion Review

The Poly Tattoos trailing down my arms and along my back are by Lushish Catz. It comes in a large variety of appliers for a light and dark version,  along with standard layers for those who do not use appliers.

Second Life Roleplay Fashion Review

The Artemis Bedroom Collection is a new release from Kaerri. There are fourteen pieces in the collection: the Bed, Dresser, Floor mirror, Hydrangea Topiary, Hydrangea Flower Pot, Lamp, Mirror, Ottoman, Picture 1, Picture 2, Rug Side table and Vanity Chair. The Artemis Bed has a large assortment of couple cuddles and Erotic animations.  The Artemis Vanity Chair comes loaded with size sit animations.

Second Life Roleplay Fashion Review

Poses for these photos are from Eternal Dream Poses Show Your Shoes Set 01 (L$180). The  set comes with five static poses perfect to express yourself in your photos. Eternal Dream Poses has a large variety of men and women poses at affordable prices.

a charity event benefiting  Lexi Zelin • AngelRed Couture
Event Dates: July 26th - August 9th, 2015 

The Lexi Project, a collaborative fund-raiser event founded by Toxxic Rhiannyr & Heather Smithson, created to bring SecondLife brands together in hopes to raise money for one of our own, Lexi Zelin / Owner of AngelRed Couture. As many have probably by now heard, Lexi has been diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin's Lymphoma and is in desperate need of funds to assist in paying her medical bills / expenses as she is unable to work. Lexi is only 28 years old, mother of one beautiful little girl and plays an important role within SecondLife by creating high quality, full permission mesh apparel, paving the way for many people in the virtual world to have the freedom of opening a store.

The Lexi Project has grown to approximately 350 supporting brands, ranging in a vast number of fields from apparel, decor, full permission, poses, skin, hair and so much more. All of which can and will be found at this event and all on one region. We have received a HUGE response from the grid, many offering helping hands and services showing nothing but pure support to Lexi. We want everyone to know, it is all very much appreciated.

The Lexi Project is scheduled to open its doors on Sunday, July 26th @ midnight slt. Each brand participating will have a minimum of 1-2 new items, 100% of the proceeds from sales go directly to an event account, opened by Lexi Zelin.

AngelRed Couture Group - (cut and paste in open chat)

•The Lexi Project - Blog

•The Lexi Project - Facebook Event Page

•The Lexi Project - Flickr Pool

Our landmark will not be made public til opening day, as we are still setting designers up!

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