Communing of the Seafolk.
Evening everyone, today I have spent quite a bit of time on Flickr again. I get distracted by all the pretties. Today I got lost in the Mermaids in Second Life, Second Life Merfolk, and Undersea Second Life. They are chalked full of such beautiful creations. So inspired was I, that I had to create my own photos to honor the theme. Of course it's not "beautiful" per say...but I think they are quite enchanting in themselves.
I decided there were just too many mermaids and decided I needed to try to create a balance. Just joking, I actually got an amazing Iston Fantasy Skin from Deluxe Body Factory as the Free Group Gift for this month for male members of the group. The group does cost to join, but the group gifts are well worth the fee. The Iston gift comes with one skin, Uni-Ear appliers, Eros/Kissers applier and Slink hands and feet appliers.
The back Ligia Dorsal Fin Mesh Blue (L$30/try) is a Sweet Lies original from the Ligia Gacha Collection. The Ligia Gacha Collection consists of three color sets (green, blue, purple) to win. Each color set has four pieces to collect, a Dorsal Fin, Bracers, Collar, and bra/thong set.
The Mer Long Uni-Ears (L$399) are from .:SOUL:.. Uni-Ear collection. The set includes one pair of mesh ears, a Uni ears HUD, Alpha layers and instructions. The Uni Ear HUD that allows you to change the tattoos and skin. You can also adjust your transparency, glow and tint via the hud. The Uni Ears HUD is very easy to use. The HUDs come pre-loaded with .:SOUL:. skin tones, so you can easily match the ears to your favorite .:SOUL:. skins.
The Syreni Gills and Syreni Headfins are a sneak peek of .:SOUL's:. creations for Enchantment, which starts August 14th! I am hyped for this event! The theme is "Little Mermaid" so there will be a lot of wonderful Merfolk items you will need, I am sure! The Syreni Headfins includes head fins for bot the center and side of your head. The Syreni Gills come with 2 sizes of gills for men and women. Both items come with a HUD that contains 21 Male and 21 Female skins, 24 Gill Textures and 8 Gill Tattoos. Just like the ears you can adjust the glow, transparency, tint any parts and it is materials enabled.
Also new from .:SOUL:. for Enchantment are Eros and Anya Angler Kissers. These are amazing mesh mouths for your merfolk. They are the perfect shape and are full of sharp pointy teeth. Each mouth kit comes with a mesh mouth, mesh teeth, 3 alpha layer options, alignment tattoo & applier, Kisser Hud loaded with textures to match Catalina skin tones and nine lip colors. You can adjust your transparency, glow and tint via the hud. The Applier HUD is easy to use and I have had no trouble to match my Kisser mouths to skins by other Designers. If you don't want the hassle of doing it yourself you can send a note asking your favorite skin designers to support the Kisser system or you could buy skins from Soul to match. They have some really pretty ones available. Demos are available. Deluxe Body Factory has Kisser Appliers for their main skin lines.
The Micha Hair by Bade is a nice top-knotted style with shaved sides. It is the free group gift. The Bade group is free to join. You get the full fat pack of seven color HUDs. Each color HUD has twelve color shades.
I am also wearing SLINK's AvEnhance Cigarette and Relaxed Hands (L$675). The hands are very easy to wear. Each set comes with a HUD that makes it easy to match skin tones and a utility HUD for tattoos, stockings, and fingernails.
The Secret Garden, Steel Blue Eyes (L$99) are by Dulce Secrets.The Secret Garden Eye Collection is available in twenty-one colors and comes with mesh and system layer eyes.
Poses used in these photos are from the Magic Spheres Pose Set from Icons of Style. It is a free gift set. It comes with one static pose with three sphere sets. Included is a texture change hud for the spheres.
Photos were taken on the SaNaRae Heaven Ocean Sim.
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