Good evening everyone, The We Love to Blog Challenge for this week is "The Rule of Three". I thought I would share three great items that is on sale from Entice. I absolutely love getting a new outfit from them. Their style is fresh and chic and I always find the perfect look for my mood in my Entice folder.

Second Life Fashion Review

The first outfit features Entice's  Vogue Dress and Heels, each sold separately for the 60L Weekend Sale starting 8/01/15. The dress is available in Blue, Lilac, Peach, Pink and Salmon. It will only be   L$60 for a week, and then it will only be available on marketplace at full price (L$100). The shoes are available in Black, Blue, Citrus, Lilac, Peach, Pink and Red. It is also L$60 for a week, and then it will only be available on marketplace at full pricee (150L).

Maxi Gossamer is having a Summer Raffle ! If you buy the Rose Heart Necklace (L$299) for sale in her in-world shop and you will automatically be entered in to the raffle and could win the REAL LIFE STERLING SILVER version of the pendant. There are three prizes to the raffle: 1st prize is the Real Life Sterling Silver version of the Rose Heart pendant worth $100 USD. The pendant will be 3D printed by Shapeways. 2nd prize is a L$2000 Gossamer Jewelry gift Card and 3rd Prize is a L$1000 Gossamer Jewelry gift Card. The drawing will take place on the 1st September 2015 and the winners will be announced on Maxi's blog site:  http://maxi-gossamer.blogspot.co.uk/. I don't know about you, but I am excited about this raffle. I love Maxi's jewelry and would love to have a piece in real life too!

IT! (Indulge Temptation!)  created the Vive La France Unisex Bracelets. They are the free group gift for this month. The IT! group has a cost L$50 to join.

Second Life Fashion Review

The next great outfit is one that is sure to make your partner stop in their tracks! The  Baby Love Bodysuit w/Appliers is Entice's new group Midnight Mania Board prize. It is an exclusive gift only for Entice group members, Group is Free to Join. The outfit includes clothing layers and appliers for Maitreya, Slink Physique, Belleza, and Omega. 

This is one of my all time favorite skins by Deluxe Body Factory. I absolutely love the creamy sand tone and the light freckles of the Estelle Skin (L$1,950) by Deluxe Body Factory.  It was an exclusive skin at the Dream Fair. I am not sure if it is available in store yet. This is a huge pack with all kinds of appliers, for a full list you can check the vendor at the fair or the website.

The pretty Rose Berry Lip Color #3 is part of the Rose Berry Lipsticks Gift for the Beauty within Hunt (L$1) by Deluxe Body Factory. They are a lovely set of five lush lipsticks beautifully colored. Included in the gift are 5 lipstick tattoo layers and appliers for #TMP, SLINK, and Omega.

My cute pointed ears are from .:SOUL:.. Uni-Ear collection. The Elf Nub Uni-Ears (L$399) are but one of sixteen ear options available in the Uni-Ear Collection. Each ear set includes one pair of mesh ears, a Uni ears HUD, Alpha layers and instructions. The Uni Ear HUD that allows you to change the tattoos and skin. You can also adjust your transparency, glow and tint via the hud. The Uni Ears HUD is very easy to use. The HUDs come pre-loaded with .:SOUL:.. Skin ton es too. So you can easily match the ears to your favorite .:SOUL:.. skins.  Deluxe Body Factory has appliers for the Uni-Ears available too!

Slink's Physique Mesh Body (L$1,250) comes with a mesh body, five body alphas, six base skins, A dress, an underwear applier HUD, Physics layer, Physique Utilities HUD to control alpha cuts, tattoo layers, underwear layers and clothing layers. For those who have never tried an mesh body before please understand this is not a "shape" or "skin" its a mesh body layer that lays on top of your shape much like mesh clothing. You can use your own shape with it, you do not have to use the included shapes. Most mesh clothing fits but do not be shocked if you find some just wont work due to the alpha cuts or design style. It works with appliers created using Slink's applier so be sure any clothing you purchase has a logo saying it is compatible with slink first before you buy. You can find a list of compatible designers on the Slink Website.

I am also wearing SLINK's AvEnhance Elegance Hands (L$675) and AvEnhance Flat Feet (L$675), both the hands and feet are easy to wear. Each set comes with a HUD that makes it easy to match skin tones and a utility HUD for tattoos, stockings, and fingernails.

My Secret Garden, Steel Blue Eyes (L$99) and Basic HUD Controlled Mesh Lashes (L$175) are by Dulce Secrets.The Secret Garden Eye Collection is available in twenty-one colors and comes with mesh and system layer eyes. The Mesh Lashes are available in four different colors with a HUD that has seven eyelash styles. They are a very easy modify to fit to your eyes.

The Dionne Hair (L$250) from MINA is a long full hairstyle piled upon the top of your head with long wispy bangs framing your face. There is a materials version and non-materials version in every hair color pack, along with a busty version. Included is a HUD for color options. There are eight color packs available, each with five different shades. Try the demo first. as it is rigged mesh and materials enabled. I love Mina's hairs, they are always well made, good texturing, perfect fit and affordability priced. If you join the store group you can also get a discount and credit toward a future purchase. 

The Artemis Bedroom Collection is a new release from Kaerri. There are fourteen pieces in the collection: the Bed, Dresser, Floor mirror, Hydrangea Topiary, Hydrangea Flower Pot, Lamp, Mirror, Ottoman, Picture 1, Picture 2, Rug Side table and Vanity Chair. The Artemis Bed has a large assortment of couple cuddles and Erotic animations. The Artemis Vanity Chair comes loaded with size sit animations.

Second Life Fashion Review

The final outfit I have to share is an awesome sparkly dress that includes three styles in one HUD! The  Eyes on You - Patterned is Entice's new group gift. It is an exclusive gift only for Entice group members, You will need to pay L$1 to the vendor but you get it back. The group is Free to Join. The outfit includes the dress in five standard sizes and a texture change HUD. 

The Platinum N Onyx Hearts Jeweled set is by Hudson's Clothing Co. This is a gorgeous jewel set with multi strand necklace adorned with hearts and fine onyx gemstones. The set includes necklace with matching earrings and all with removable one script re-sizing. This was a past group gift. Hudson's Clothing Co. always has a great group gift along with amazing styles to enhance your wardrobe.

Second Life Avatar Virtual Fashion Review

Poses used in this post are from Eternal Dream Poses'  Kira 01.  The set comes with five static poses mirrored. Eternal Dream Pose's has a large selection of affordable unique static poses for men and women. Definitely one of my favorite stores to follow for new poses. They always have great new poses.

Photos were taken on Flawless Sim.

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