Bring the kids, grab a free balloon it's time to visit the zoo!

Today I woke up moody and feeling very difficult so I decided to ditch work and go to the zoo for my photo shoot today.

The Zoo I selected to visit was Oasis Zoo located on Cascade Coast. It's a pretty large Zoo with tons of animals to see along with a reptile house, aquarium, atrium  and a dinosaur exhibit. At the entrance is a balloon giver, it has a lot of balloon styles. It took me forever to choose mine....

Yeah, I wont lie.... I took them all!

I couldn't resist  grabbing a picture with the giraffes,  which I think are the best part of any zoo. I really liked the fact that the animals are not stationary but move around. It made the photos a challenge but it enhanced the experience.ZooKeeper Missy did a great job designing her Zoo.You can tell she put her heart and soul into it.

Now on to what I know all you fashion fanatics are wanting to know... what am I wearing. Since I am in a bother mood I opted for a casual, low maintenance outfit. I dug out one of my old time favorite Intrinsic Tank from Jane and paired it with a really cute pair of  denim shorts and belt by .:Damned Dolls:. Clothes. The Intrinsic Tanks are free and the mesh shorts are available at Room69, for 69L of course.

The Escarlett shape is only 20L and by ::NIE VES::. Giada is a brand new skin line and the 4 makeups being offered as an exclusive hunt gift in the Cupcakes Anonymous Hunt by Style by Kira  The CAH begins on September 1 and ends September 30.  All gifts are 5L each.  You can find the skins in a cupcake.  If you need a hint, here it is...  Birds of a feather flock together! The  'Sunrise' Eyes  in Imperial Purple are brought to us by IKON, for 150L. IKON makes the best eyes. Tameless created the awesome Trinity hair I am wearing. It's a new release for 249L.

 The Summer Hoot Earrings are by RUBY and the Single Letter Heart Necklace is by Jamman Jewels & Accessories. I am not sure where I got the earrings at, I think it was the Cartsale at Feeb's Rascals St. last month. Sorry I can't give you better details on it. The necklace I picked up last week for 199L. It caught my eye cause you can change the etched letter on it and I wanted a simple necklace to wear with my casual outfits.

My awesome winged Hermes Sneakers are another awesome find  at Room69 by Miss Canning for 69L. They come with a color change hud with 10 color choices. I loved how vibrant the colors are.

Poses used for this post were created by //elephante poses//:
✔ Candy Corn #1is part of  a 3 pose set created for  the EnMESHed Hunt. Aug 15-Sept 15. Free.
✔ Careful #5 is part of a 5 pose set created for the September 2013 VIP group gift. 300L to join.


Shopping List:

✪ Intrinsic Tank from Jane - Free
✪ Denim shorts and belt by .:Damned Dolls:. Clothes - Room69, 69L
✪  Escarlett shape is only 20L and by ::NIE VES::
✪ Giada Skin -  Style by Kira -  Cupcakes Anonymous Hunt 5L
✪  'Sunrise' Eyes - Imperial Purple- IKON - 150L.
✪  Tameless -Trinity hair - 249L.
✪  Summer Hoot Earrings -RUBY
✪  Single Letter Heart Necklace - Jamman Jewels & Accessories. - 199L. 
✪  Hermes Sneakers -  Room69 - Miss Canning - 69L.

Poses used for this post were created by //elephante poses//:
✔ Candy Corn #1is part of a 3 pose set created for the EnMESHed Hunt. Aug 15-Sept 15. Free.
✔ Careful #5 is part of a 5 pose set created for the September 2013 VIP group gift. 300L to join.

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