Taste the Rainbow more...

As promised I am back with more Taste the Rainbow Hunt goodies,
 if you missed the first post you can find it here.

"Taste the Rainbow!"
Summer Hunt 2013
August 10th to September 3rd
Cost: Free!

Today we visit three shops under one roof:
BlacklaceBlacklace Beauty and Lil'Lace

BlackLace and BlackLace Beauty are both owned by Gemini Galatea and located on Blacklace Sim. Blacklace specializes in some of the most beautiful lingerie I have seen in Second Life and  Blacklace Beauty has tattoo makeupat great prices to enhance your beauty: Eyeshadows, some with combined lashes, lipsticks, glosses, lashes - tattoo and prim, complete faces.

Lil'lace is a sister store to Blacklace and is owned by designer Promise Hollow. It is also located on Blacklace Sim. Lil'lace is a playful urban chic clothing store for women with a wide selection at affordable prices.

Blacklace's gift for the "Taste The Rainbow" hunt is the  Primal: Rainbow Tiger Print Cincher Set w/ Lola's. The colorful Scribble handbag is Lil'Lace's gift.Perfect for an over-night bag, I am thinking....

Blacklace Beauty has made the Rainbow Kisses make up set as their gift. It comes with two types of eye makeup and one lip make up. Very lovely, not sure my picture does it justice.

Even though the furniture set I have been using in my backgrounds  is not part of the Taste The Rainbow hunt, I wanted to give you a better look at it. For the gothic types this is a great new release by [CIRCA]. The "Constantine" Gothic Furniture/Decor set. This set was designed as an exclusive for The Thrift Shop and is 50% off each item until August 31st. The texturing and details are stunning, gives a very haunting feel to a room.



✪  Deluxe Body Factory: Faith Skin - Vanilla #11  -  1,799L  ✪
✪   Truth Hair - Candy - Light Brown 05 Fade - 250L âœª 
✪  IKON  Utopia Eyes - Light Hazel, 150L  ✪ 
✪   NIE VES - Khloe Shape - 10L - The Kollective - 10L or Less!  ✪ 
✪   BlackLace Beauty  - Rainbow Kisses make up set Taste the Rainbow Hunt - Free  âœª   

✪    BlackLace - Primal: Rainbow Tiger Print Cincher Set - Taste the Rainbow Hunt - Free âœª    
✪    Lil'lace - Scribble handbag - Taste the Rainbow Hunt - Free âœª   


✪    [CIRCA] - The "Constantine" Gothic Furniture/Decor -The Thrift Shop 50% off till August 31st  âœª 

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