Strong Women Hunt

Runs: May 5th - June 2nd

Cost: Free
Length: 25 stores

Group: Beachside Hunt Group
Paste the Group Joiner Slurl into local chat to recieve an invite to the free group.

So I decided to tell you all about the Strong Women Hunt today. This is a great little hunt with some really awesome prizes in it.  It's just 25 stores long so I found it a great way to fill a spare evening. The hunt is themed for Mother's Day, and based on women being the strength of a family.
The hunt blog has a list of hints and lists skip stores. When I did the hunt the only store I had to skip was number 11. Also note that Cop~a~Squat has been renamed Pillows & Things so you are in the right place really.

Happy Hunting!


13. irISIStible shop
05. Pillows & Things
17. Les Sucreries de Fairy

15. Kabuki Creations - Poseball animation


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