Strong Women Hunt

Runs: May 5th - June 2nd
Cost: Free
Start: Brandy's Boutique
Find: Pink Rose
Length: 25 storesFind: Pink Rose
Group: Beachside Hunt Group
Paste the Group Joiner Slurl into local chat to recieve an invite to the free group.
So I decided to tell you all about the Strong Women Hunt today. This is a great little hunt with some really awesome prizes in it. It's just 25 stores long so I found it a great way to fill a spare evening. The hunt is themed for Mother's Day, and based on women being the strength of a family.
Happy Hunting!
23. Serenity In The Sun Designs
00. Brandy's Boutique
08. Electric
20. Naughty Naughty
09. Enticing Designs
12. Graffitiwear
25. Urban Gypsy Clothiers
04. Cats Cradle
22. Pretty Kitties
10. Fabienne Bolissima Couture
07. Dressed by Lexi
06. DeLiGhT DeZiGnS - Large mesh dress with shape
18. Lurve
13. irISIStible shop
05. Pillows & Things
17. Les Sucreries de Fairy
15. Kabuki Creations - Poseball animation