Flawless Spring Sale - April 14-29 - Get a going!

From April 14- April 29, the Flawless Sim will be home to the Flawless Spring Sale and Hunt. There are nearly 50 vendors who have new and exclusive products marked for sale for only
50L each as well as a hunt item on the sim.
I was never one to pass up on a really good deal so when I was told about the Flawless Spring Sale going on I couldn't resist checking it out. I found several great deals from some really great designers to share with you. Hopefully I can fit it all in one post, if not .. check back tomorrows for mores!
Anna's Shapes has some really great new shapes on sale at their cart. What I like the most about Anna's is they give you several shape heights to match what your preferences are and includes a style card. I personally adore their "small" shapes. Just the perfect shape for a little petite Tali *Smiles*
As always click the pictures to see them larger.
Shape Misha - 50L$ *Exclusive*
Shape Denise - 500L$ *Special Price*
Shape Hitomi - 500L$ *Special Price*
Shape Tallulah - 500L$ *Special Price*
Shape Leslie - 1L$ - Mini Hunt

Non-Flawless Spring Sale Items
The hair worn is from Raw House - Raquella- Ginger, 275L for a color pack comes with 5 shades, that have a color change streak, as you see above
The skin is a past hunt gift from Pink Fuel and is no longer available.
The colorful full-body tattoos worn on the shapes are from Silken Moon. Silken Moons has skins with character, matching shapes, eyes, facetatts. Model, fantasy, goth wild and beautiful. I fell in love with the colorful Mannequin full body tattoos (299L-399L). They are perfect for showing off shapes. Please note the two tone ones are photo shopped, you cannot get two toned Mannequin tattoos at this time.
The eyes used in the images above are new releases from dirty.little.secret.. There are 40 new colors to chose from for 50L each. The light gold ones are my favorite but the azaela and lite blue are close too.
Wells, the time has flown. I have alot more to post on the Flawless Spring Sale so check back tomorrow. Take care, till the next post.
[Event Details]
Name: Flawless Spring Sale
Runs: April 14- April 29
Cost: *each cart has one 50L exclusive item along with other great sale items.
[Flawless Sale Items]
[Non-Free Items]
Raw House
Silken Moon
Magbag Design (note: these wiggle a little, not good for still shots)
[Photo Locale]
Taliferrue's Top Secret Photo Studio