Freebie Flash: ::POISED::

Tonight's Freebie find is from  :::Poised::.   
Highly detailed clothes for women and men, great quality  and affordable prices.

 Poised released their January Group/Scribo gift today, its a lovely Black Spark dress. Specially suited for those who like to sport the elegance of a lady and still have a bit of their wild side show through.

Poised also has just released a whole new collection of uniquely designed urban outfits. Be sure to check them out, they are all great styles with affordable price tags. And for those who are looking to help a newly created avatar out POISED has been kind enough to put out a special gift for those under 30days old. One for a guy and girl.!

 Until the next great freebie find, take care!
~ Taliferrue

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