Grace & Gratitude Hunt Goodies.
One of my favorite things about living in the countryside is the random encounters with the deers. Even though I knew they were there, it was always a wonderful surprise to see them show up; however fleeting the encounter may have been, it always left me with a smile. That is why when I came across Silver Oak Hollow - Magick Shoppe's 1L hunt item "Enjoying the Apples" for the Grace & Gratitude Hunt (Nov. 8 - 28), I couldn't resist recreating a visit with the deers of my memories. Silver Oak Hollow - Magick Shoppe sells fantasy furniture, landscaping, and apparel. They have an excellent selection of group gifts for their VIP group (Free to join). They also have a slap board and lucky chair with some great prizes.
I always love finding landscape creators participating in hunts; they are a hidden gem. Lunaria is one such gem hidden in the Grace & Gratitude Hunt. I love using their grasses and trees. For the hunt, they have provided the Sorghum Field. The field is 100% mesh. You get both an animated and static version. As well as landscaping, Lunaria also has some fantastic fantasy clothing and accessories designs. Their shop is a wonder to wander through. Lunaria participates in tons of hunts and has an inworld group where you can get fantastic group gifts and news of great discounts. While at the store, be sure to slap all the lucky boards. There are a lot of them.
The scrumptious toffee apples, fall decorations, table, and seating are unique creations by ChiMia.
ChiMia is a home and garden shop; they offer furniture, home decor, and accessories/ appliers for mesh avatars. Their sim is beautifully decorated in an urban setting. Everyone is invited to explore and take photos. It looks amazing!. The Toffee apples are gorgeously designed. They are very realistic and have only 1 land impact. The fall decorations are a combination of ChiMia's Autumn Leaf Wreath and the Pumpkin by ChiMia. I laid the wreath on its back and then placed the pumpkins. You can see the Holiday wreath hanging in a past post. The original mesh metallic outdoor dining set comes with both gold and silver versions of the table and chairs; each piece is only 1 land impact, as long as you don't resize them.
Poses were from HelaMiyo | Little Black Dress | 300L
✫ Slink | Physique Hourglass Bundle - Redux | 2,800L
✫ 7 Deadly s[K]ins - BLAZE, November Group Gift | 0L
✫ Just BECAUSE | Janice Tube Top (Orchid) | 99L (Single) 650L (Fat Pack)
✫ Just BECAUSE | Cuffed Jeans | 99L (Single) 650L (Fat Pack)
✫ ChiMia | Metallic Dining Set | 180L
✫ ChiMia | Toffee Apples | 50L
✫ ChiMia | Single Pumpkin | 50L
✫ ChiMia | Autumn Leaf Wreath | 50L
✫ ChiMia | Halloween Balloons | 120L
✫ Silver Oak Hollow - Magick Shoppe | [SOHM] Enjoying the Apples | 1L Grace & Gratitude Hunt
✫ Silver Oak Hollow - Magick Shoppe | [SOHM] Enjoying the Apples | 1L Grace & Gratitude Hunt
✫ .Lunaria. | Sorghum Field | 1L Grace & Gratitude Hunt
✫ Dysfunctionality | Swaying Leafy Bushes - Animated Season Change XL Bushes | 145L
✫ 3D Trees | Autumn Trees + Accessories (Triple Beech) | 450L
✫ Two Moon Panoramics | Texture Changing Globe | 600L
✫ Photo location was put together by me. A big nod to Builders Brewery for letting me use their prims to work my magic. I am not sure if building scenery counts as a building, but I totally love their sandbox. I never get harassed, and there are always interesting classes available to sate my curiosity on how to build in SL.
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