It's All About the Shoes...
I have always felt shoes get neglected on Blog posts, regulated to a foot note (see what I did there). Which is odd since they are often the one thing that makes a girl squeal in delight when they find just the right pair. Alright.. I admit it... I speak as if I am talking of others but in fact it is I, who squeals over shoes a lot. I have a whole folder of shoes I intend to Blog once I find that "just right" outfit. Today I noticed the folder is getting rather full and I still haven't found those outfits, so I am tossing caution to the wind ...that's right.. I am going to do it.... I'm going to feature a post that is ALL SHOES!!!
*Felicity* Kelsey Stilettos - Group Gift (Magenta)
*Holds Up Hand* I swear I am Felicity's biggest fan! I love, love, love the elegant sexy designs Felicity releases on a regular basis. But on top of the quality and affordability, Felicity knows how to take care of her customer base. She spoils us! She usually places one free group pair out for every new design, along with milestone gifts for her group. There is a small 30L fee to join the group, but Felicity's shoes are totally worth it. If you find the free ones are not what you are looking for, there are over 16 different colors you can choose from the Kelsey line along with several unique colors on the 50% off sale board. I personally loved the lacing down the back of these heels.
[: B!ASTA :] :KRIZZA: Strappy Wedge Sandal - Pink
B!ASTA and I go back .. way back to when I was a noob, well almost a noob.. well back to when I was was chasing my noob best friend, Serraphena, around. This was her favorite store when she was on SL, but she has moved on and here I am still haunting the sprawling salesroom of B!ASTA, forever searching for the next great thing I can't live with out. Luckily I didn't wander long this month when this pair of shoes hit my inventory. I really like the way this pair of shoes fits and looks. It's a great casual shoe. As far as I could see it's currently only available in pink at a low cost of 179L. *Fingers crossed more colors will be released*
Lindy Modern & Retro Shoes = Balleigh = White
I always have liked the quality of Lindy's shoes. They are very clean and simple for my cutesy outfits. Though Lindy does make some smashing heels too. If I see Lindy is in a hunt, I double time it to the shop. All the shoes are great quality and affordable. The Balleigh Flats are available in six colors and cost only 79L each.
Lindy Modern & Retro Shoes Buffy Light Pink
Here is an example of a pair of smashing heels, and the best thing, they are free! Yes, right now you can get theses as part of the Anniversary Hunt. It runs till Sept 17th.
Loordes of London is a shop I have visited for quite a while, and I have to say in the past year the quality and details have amazed me. Not that their stuff wasn't amazing before but, in my opinion, they have shown tremendous growth as a designer in the last year. I love the richness of their designs and the fact that they have always kept their designs affordable no matter how expensive they look. This great pair of hiking boots is only 250L. They are available for men and women.
LOORDES OF LONDON - Crickhowell II-Mint & Grey
Here is another great example of the quality and style of shoes you can get at Loordes of London. This pair is an affordable 250L also. All of the shoes come in a ton of colors to choose from.
:: Miss Canning :: [ Divine Wedge Boots] 8 Colors HUD!
Did I ever mention I have an obsession with wings? Can you imagine how loudly I squealed when I saw these awesome wedge boots? Oh yeah, they heard me several Sims over I am sure. Miss Canning has a style all of their own, whether its shoes or clothing. They have a huge group gift area and all their items are set at, what I think is, an affordable price. These funky wedge boots are only 229L.
Shopping List:
✪ [: B!ASTA :] :KRIZZA: Strappy Wedge Sandal - Pink - 179L
✪ Lindy Modern & Retro Shoes = Balleigh = White - 79L
✪ Lindy Modern & Retro Shoes Buffy Light Pink - Free!
✪ LOORDES OF LONDON - Crickhowell II-Mint & Grey - 250L
✪ :: Miss Canning :: [ Divine Wedge Boots] - 229L
.:::Hope You Enjoyed This Post! :::.
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