spook house babe

Here is another great freebie from FATAL for group members, the lazy day combo. It consists of a mesh T-shirt and leggings. It begs you to pucker up and kiss. The pretty hot pink cross knuckle ring is from a new store on the grid called Jadeys Jewelry; it costs L$55. If you join the group in world, you can get a light pink cross knuckle ring as a group gift for breast cancer awareness month. The mesh Juicy Love Lipstick earrings and the Babette hip chain  I am wearing is are by Maxi Gossamer.

The nails are by Quintessencia - Nail SPBH Model Square l. They were part of the he Swimming Pool Blues Hunt but you can still pick them up in world on the past hunt shelf in the shop for 5L. My hair is Blah by Yassine Hair Style. My shape is Jezebel by Anna Shapes. My eyes are IKON's Utopia Eyes - Light Hazel. The pose used is by Focus Poses, Model Set 103-4. Most all of Focus Pose sets run between L$80-L$100. They have several L$1 sets at their store for us bargain hunters also.
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