SwayLand Summer Hunt 2012

So Serra and I were hopping around seeing what we could see and we came upon these four  pretty prezzies all by their lonesome begging to be unwrapped at SwayLand. Curiosity peeked, I had to have them!! <squeals in delight> They were free it seemed, that is if I could just find the pretty little flowers around the sim with the password note-cards hidden in them.

"Easy-peesy" I said smiling at Serra as she rolls her eyes thinking I didn't see it. <fast forward a 30mins> "Where the hell are those flowers!!" I scream as Serra sits waiting at the presents with her four cards waiting for me to catch up. Okay, okay...they were not hidden that hard but I tend to get distracted and miss the little things and the wonderful thing about SwayLand is it is so beautifully decorated you get lost just looking at everything.

After much giggling on Serra's part I got my first card and hopped over to open it! Which  is totally fun to do. I thought it was a very original way to get your hunt prizes. You click the box and it asks you to type the pass-code and poof you get a prize. My first prize was from Nonino;  two adorable stuffed animals  - Furugire Wanko [ Aloha ]. Soon after my first moment of glee on finding the adorable plush toys, I found the next passcode to Zacca's prezzie box. In it we get two mesh straw hats, one green and one orange.

After getting lost in a field of bamboo and discovering Asia  (well what I thought could have been located in Asia), Serra took pity on me and gave me some hints on how to find the next flower.
This flower unlocked Sway's present. It was a really cool floor cushion. It has 10 animations and rezzes props for several of them, such as the guitar. The cute little coffee cup and bird cage light are two gifts I found during my wandering on the Sim. Just search around the signs along the path, I am sure you will sumble upon them like I did. The coffee mug is one you can wear  as a pose or rez out as a prop.

And after an hour of being intrigued by my surrondings and Serra following me around laughing as she said "cold, cold, cold...very cold" I located the final gift from DCD -- a darling daisy necklace. Let me assure you, this hunt is not a hard hunt... I am just so easy distracted. So suit up and go hunt done your own presents.

By the way that really cute hair I am wearing -- 95L, by Mina on sale at  My Attic @ The Deck  till 31st of August. There are some great deals there, you should go get this hair (headband changes colors) and check out the other great stuff on sale. There are some awesome poses and pose boxes for the pose addicted (like me <grins>).

Take Care!
Style Card:
✪ :Glamorize:Silk Lips 26 Colors (13L)
Just Because Elise (458L)
✪ IKON Utopia Eyes - Light Hazel (150L)
✪ Favole Entangle *version 3 (60L)
 Tameless Lashes 16 (99L)
✪ Maxi Gossamer Giselle Opal Set Necklace and Earrings (99L)
✪ Maxi Gossamer RING - Fez (199L)
✪ {Lemon Tea} Elven Ear Plain (175L)
✪  Mina Ingrid  My Attic @ The Deck (95L)
Dementia Runner Beige Wedges (10L)
✪ Pink Fuel Alyx <Honey> Skin (unavailable)

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