Fashioncentric “Hi5!” Hunt LAUNCH PARTY

Hey everyone, I wanted to alert you to a fabulous event taking place tomorrow.

It's the Fashioncentric “Hi5!” Hunt LAUNCH PARTY
 Sunday, April 1st, 2012 at 12pm SLT!  

This is the first ever grid-wide Fashioncentric “Hi5!” Hunt taking place from April 1st, 2012 through April 30th, 2012! Fashioncentric proudly celebrates all the amazing designers and shoppers with a spectacular hunt and launch party which will kick-off at the Fashioncentric Hunt Hideaway on April 1st, 2012 at 12pm SLT!

Weekly hunt prizes! Every week throughout the Fashioncentric “Hi5!” Hunt they will award one L$5k Grand Prize to a randomly selected fantabulous Fashioncentric Hunt Designer, one L$5k Grand Prize and 5 L$1k prizes to a  Fashioncentric Hunt Shoppers (Hunt Shoppers must submit the names of any 5 hunt items they've found)

How to start the hunt: Click on the "JOIN NOW" sign at the Fashioncentric Hunt Hideaway to join the Fashioncentric group. Wear your group tag - grab FREE gifts from the Wall of Designers and search for 5 FREE Exclusive Fashioncentric Hunting Gear gifts hidden around the hideaway!

Hideaway SLURL:

Blog with Hints:

Dates: Runs April 1-30th.

Item: Orange triangle with white hand on it..see above poster for item.

Cost: 0L

There are currently over 140 shops registered to participate in the hunt. Keep an eye on this spot for previews of  the hunt gifts. My challenge this month is to blog them all, and still give you time to get them. Wish me luck on this one I will need it!

Good luck all, lets have fun with this amazingly fun hunt!

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